Outsource Like A Rockstar

Do More of What You Love and Outsource the Rest

Want To Do More Of What You Love And Outsource the Rest in 30 Days Or Less?

Learn how to let go of your huge to-do list by hiring the right people to do it for you, and then set up your systems to build your dream team in 30 days or less!

If that sounds too good to be true, then let me be the first to tell you, it's 100% doable.

That's because of the unique methodology you'll receive when you join Outsource Like a Rockstar.

Get started now!

  • Do you have too little time for strategic thought or analysis because of the volume of trivial and not-so-trivial everyday stuff going on in your life and business?
  • Have you found yourself unproductive even as your time has been freed up?
  • Does it feel like you’re self sabotaging and you’re not sure what’s causing it?
  • Do you know you should hire a virtual assistant or a new team member but you don’t have enough cash flow to justify the expense?
  • Or are you holding on to doing everything yourself because you simply don't trust that someone else can do it better than you and not screw up your business?
If you answer YES to any of those points above then you need help!

"Your Outsource Like a Rockstar course was exactly what I needed. This course gave me the tips and most of all the accountability and real time coaching to walk me through the hiring and handing over process so that it all just happened like clockwork. Your advice was invaluable and I’m thrilled with the outcome of finding a fantastic VA to outsource to and am excited to plan my next hire and to finally be able to free myself up from so much ‘doing’ so that I can reach and help so many more people by focusing on what I love and what I do best. Thanks a million Natalie! I’d highly recommend this style of course with Natalie to anyone. It just makes it happen!!!"

- Lauren Parsons, Nov 2017, http://www.laurenparsons.co.nz

"This has been the best training for getting started on systemizing my business. The fear of change and over protection of my business made me put off taking the necessary steps to take things to the next level. The course helped me refocus on the things I love and am very good at through to getting the right support from genuine people who are amazing at doing the jobs I found a chore. I’ve always wanted to personally make more of an impact with less of my time and now I can. Natalie, thank you!"

- Fionn Patrick, Funnel Strategist for the time being

"My biggest challenge before enrolling in this Freedom Lab, was the fear that involving anyone else in running any aspect of my business would be hard, risky and spell the beginning of the end of my control! Step by step, I learned how to dispel the myths I had taught myself about outsourcing with Natalie's expertise, tools, templates and support. My key takeaway was to realise that keeping all the control was actually never going to allow my business to grow. Now I feel ready to hire and I plan to do that in early 2018. I feel more confident to release some of the controls, put the safeguards in place and even welcome in to my business someone who can amplify what I do and look after my interests! Thanks again Natalie, it was awesome."

- Michelle Howie, michellehowie.com


Just What Is Included in Outsourcing Like a Rockstar?

As the name would suggest, you'll receive my proven techniques for hiring right, and adding in your own unique ingredients to get the results you want in your business to give you more time, money and freedom.

I want to give you backdoor access, each step of the way, to the process I personally used to build my dream team over the last six years.
During this course, you will have not only figured out what work you want to offload, but you will have made your first (or fifth hire) to help you handover at least 20% of your workload.
You'll get exclusive access to my resources and templates including a job description you can swipe, my Operating Procedure Manuals, my step by step process to creating an SOP, and how to identify gaps to hire for and build your dream team.
YES. You heard it here first. This is actually about YOU reclaiming your time by liberating yourself from your intense workload.
At the very least, if you come on this journey with me you'll go from overworked and stressed out, to more in control and completely aware of what changes you need to make in your business and exactly who you need on your team!

What will it be like on the inside?

It is going to be an exciting experience for you because inside you will be taken on a journey to freedom.

Here's what you'll get
  • 15 Lesson Course -short powerful videos of either direct teaching, or look over my shoulder style tutorials
  • BONUS templates, swipe files and resources to use immediately

Here's what we will cover

#1. The Power of Outsourcing (Days 1-3)

  • Why you aren’t delegating and why that’s sabotaging your business and costing you time and money
  • 10 amazing reasons and benefits to stop doing everything yourself!

#2. Getting Started in Outsourcing (Day 4-14)

  • How to figure out what to outsource first and what to keep doing (3 lists to Freedom)
  • How to make your first hire a painless and even fun experience
  • How to write a great job description to attract your ideal team member
  • What questions you need to ask in an interview and the best way to do one
  • Confidentiality, contracts and protecting yourself
  • How to make sure you protect yourself and your business and keep control with the right contract and confidentiality agreement
  • The Welcome Pack for your new hire to make them feel at home and fare more likely to jump straight into action

#3. Training and Building Your Dream Team (Days 15-25)

  • The quick and easy way to go about handing over your work (I’ll share my personal methodology you’ll love) so your team member can hit the ground running and take responsibility
  • The smart way to continue to hand over the stuff you shouldn’t be doing while building an operations manual for your entire business so any new hire you make knows exactly what to do (SOP)
  • Building your dream team - who to hire next and how to decide what the heck they should be doing (org chart)
  • The power of weekly reporting to keep everyone in sync and make sure the important work is getting done
  • The exact tools to effortlessly manage and communicate with your team from anywhere

#4. Taking It To The Next Level (Day 26-30)

  • How to motivate your team and get the best out of them so they grow into star performers and manage themselves
  • How to replace yourself entirely (for extended holidays) and what needs to happen to make that a reality

Your Instructor

Natalie Sisson
Natalie Sisson

I've been a fan of multiple revenue streams and easy, streamlined business for years. Life is here to enjoy, not be bogged down with work and financial worries. However, I've found most people have no idea how to start make extra cash!

Well, I think that's downright unfair. You shouldn't have to be clued in to trends and technically savvy to be living a life that's fulfilling and enjoyable.